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Fort Wayne, Indiana, stands as a testament to the power of visionary leadership and community-driven initiatives. At the heart of this thriving city lies the SEED District (Summit City Entrepreneur and Enterprise District), a vibrant hub of innovation, entrepreneurship, and inclusivity. As we reflect on the legacy of Mayor Tom Henry, we are reminded of […]

Session Recordings – Dropbox

Entrepreneurs can access startup funding through a variety of sources, depending on their business idea, stage of development, and specific needs. Here are some common avenues for securing startup funding: When seeking startup funding, it’s essential to have a well-prepared business plan, a clear value proposition, a solid understanding of your market and competition, and […]

Serial entrepreneurship refers to a pattern in which an individual starts and operates multiple businesses over their career. These individuals, known as serial entrepreneurs, repeatedly engage in the process of conceptualizing, launching, growing, and eventually exiting businesses. Serial entrepreneurs are not content with just one venture; they have a tendency to continually seek out new […]